This one-hour weekly docu-soap from the creator/executive producer of "American Chopper" follows a group of real-life paranormal researchers as they investigate haunted houses throughout the country, encountering every type of imaginable haunting.

Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, plumbers by trade, head up TAPS. The Atlantic Paranormal Society a group of ordinary, everyday people with an interest in getting to the bottom of your otherworldly disturbances.

Ghost Hunters Season 7 Episode 12 - Hill View Manor, Air at Wednesday, August 31,2011 9:00 PM on Syfy. Previous Story: TAPS visits Maine this week to investigate the historic Fort Knox on the Penobscot River. Though soldiers were stationed there from the mid 1800s, the Fort never saw combat, though it's seen its share of death, including that of Sgt. Leopold Hegyi, who lived and served there for 13 years. They also investigate a family's home in North Carolina.

TAPS investigates the Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester, Mass. TAPS investigates the Sterling Opera House in Derby, Connecticut. Then they travel to North Carolina to assist the family of a soldier who is away fighting overseas, In this special episode, the TAPS team will investigate the Pacific Aviation Museum at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. These bullet riddled hangars and the planes within them are a tangible reminder of the more than a thousand sailors who lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Special guest investigator Josh Gates, from Destination Truth, will join the team for this investigation.

Jason and Grant rush out with a skeleton crew to help out a Rhode Island family with a young child who claim to be tormented by spirits in their home, an old man in their kitchen and a black cat in the living room. Also, Amy and Britt finally reveal the results of the Pacific Aviation Museum investigation.

In this Episode: TAPS visits Hill View Manor, a former poorhouse and retirement home said to be inhabited by several spirits, some friendly, and some not.
